Calhoun Canal System – 172,501 acre-feet
Utilizing permits granted by the state of Texas, the system delivers water from the Guadalupe River near Tivoli into the GBRA diversion and canal network for distribution to industrial, municipal, and agricultural customers in Calhoun County through a series of irrigations canals, checks, pump stations and pipelines.
The raw water supply is processed into treated drinking water by the Undine Port Lavaca Water Treatment Plant or used in various industrial processes by petrochemical facilities. In times of drought and low river flows, water deliveries only include contracted firm water supply municipal and industrial customers.
Salt Water Barrier. Continuous operating and maintenance activities are performed on the lower stretch of the Guadalupe River to remove log jams and to ensure the Lower Guadalupe Diversion Dam and Salt Water Barrier structures are working properly. Because the dam operates under low head settings, most of the water will flow over the fabridam bags and into the bay and estuary system. In times of extreme drought, the fabridam can protect the fresh water supply from tidal salt water intrusion. GBRA also serves as an observer for the U.S. Geological Survey Guadalupe River data collection project.
Carrizo Groundwater Supply Project – 24,000 acre-feet
Starting in 2024, the first phase of the Carrizo Groundwater Supply Project will bring 15,000 acre-feet online from a GBRA groundwater permit and 5,000 AF from an Alliance Regional Water Authority (ARWA) permit sourced by the Carrizo Aquifer in Gonzales and Caldwell counties. GBRA will add an additional 9,000 AF of groundwater to phase two of the project and ARWA will add 10,000 AF, which is set to be completed by 2028.