General Manager/CEO
General Manager/CEO Darrell Nichols oversees policy development and implementation as well as daily operational and administrative activities for the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority and its 29 operating divisions. Since joining GBRA in 2016 as the Senior Deputy General Manager, he has directed more than $300 million in capital improvement projects while managing project development, financing, construction activities, scientific data collection and dissemination, hydrologic and environmental analysis and water supply planning.
Nichols has more than 30 years of experience in public utility policy, planning and implementation. Prior to joining GBRA, Nichols served as Assistant Executive Administrator and Director of Regional Water Planning and Development for the Texas Water Development Board. His previous experience also includes work as a utility regulation consultant and employment with the predecessor agency to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
B.S. in Civil Engineering – University of Texas at Austin

Deputy General Manager
Deputy General Manager Jonathan Stinson directs the development and implementation of programs and policies, ensuring compliance with the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority’s governance, management, operational structure, and statutory regulations. Stinson represents GBRA in public affairs while assisting with the management of daily administrative and operational activities. Stinson represents GBRA as a member of the South Central Texas Regional Water Planning Group, is a Director of the Texas Water Conservation Association Risk Management Fund, and serves on the Board of the Texas Water Conservation Association. He is also a member of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), the US Water Alliance, and the One Water Council.
Stinson has nearly 20 years experience in administration, public policy, and legislative relations, as well as infrastructure and program development and financing. Prior to his appointment as Deputy General Manager in June 2016, Stinson served as an Assistant Executive Administrator for the Texas Water Development Board (2013-16) and a Natural Resources Policy Advisor for Water, Parks and Wildlife, and Agriculture for the Office of the Governor (2012-13). His experience includes nearly 10 years in the Texas Senate, working on issues ranging from groundwater and surface water policies, to infrastructure financing, to economic development.
B.S. in Political Science – Texas A&M University

General Counsel
General Counsel Joe Cole provides legal counsel, opinions, and legal services related to GBRA’s responsibilities and operations, serving as an advisor to the Board of Directors and the General Management team. Cole also manages litigation and outside counsel activities while overseeing the development and review of policies, contracts and other corporate and legal agreements
Cole has more than 30 years’ experience in environmental law, water law, litigation and regulatory matters, having served in leadership positions for the Department of Defense (DoD), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and San Antonio Water System (SAWS). A U.S. Air Force veteran, Cole spent 20 years in military service and an additional 10 years in federal civilian service as a Senior Attorney-Advisor and then Chief of the Environmental Law Field Support Center at Joint Base San Antonio Lackland.
LL.M. in Environmental Law – The George Washington University School of Law
J.D. – Saint Louis University School of Law
B.S. in Education – University of Missouri

Executive Manager of Communications & Outreach
Executive Manager of Communications & Outreach Adeline Fox oversees internal and external communications which includes representing GBRA at basin-wide community outreach events and meetings, coordinating with state and federal legislative and agency staff, engaging with customers to enhance overall experience, and directing the development of strategic plans and initiatives.
Adeline has more than 10 years experience in communications with a specialization in water subject matter. Prior to joining GBRA, Adeline was the Director of Communications, Outreach, and Membership for the Texas Water Conservation Association (now Texas Water Association) in Austin. She has also worked in the private public relations sector and in education and outreach for several groundwater conservation districts in the Lubbock area. Adeline is on the board of the Big Bend Conservation Alliance.
M.S. in Public Service & Administration – Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University
B.S. in Agricultural Communications – Texas Tech University

Executive Manager of Administration
Executive Manager of Administration Vanessa Guerrero oversees a diverse array of internal and external services, including human resources, education, safety, and information technology. Guerrero directs the development of long-range strategic plans and initiatives, while overseeing training and recruitment, educational outreach, and technical infrastructure. She represents GBRA on the National Association of Clean Water Agencies Communications and Public Affairs Committee and is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management San Antonio and Austin chapters.
Guerrero has more than 15 years expertise in administration, human resources, recruitment, training and development. She joined GBRA as Human Resources Director in October 2017 and was promoted to Executive Manager of Administration in 2018. She previously served as a human resources leader for The Boys & Girls Club of San Antonio (2016-17) and Haven for Hope (2010-16).
B.A. in Human Resources Development – The University of the Incarnate Word

Executive Manager of Operations
Executive Manager of Operations David Harris serves as the Chief Operations Officer for the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority, overseeing 10 water systems, 14 wastewater treatment operations, five pipelines, five hydroelectric plants, three parks and one diversion system. Harris is responsible for ensuring the provision of technical assistance for GBRA’s water and wastewater facilities and assists in the negotiation and development of major contracts. He also serves as the point of contact for other water and wastewater facilities throughout the Guadalupe River Basin. Harris is a member of the Texas Water Utilities Association (TWUA) and is part of TWUA’s Double A Club.
Harris has more than 30 years’ experience in the water and wastewater industry, and holds Class A Operator licenses in water treatment, wastewater treatment, and municipal solid waste. Harris is also licensed in customer service inspection.
B.S. in Wildlife Fisheries Sciences – Texas A&M University
B.S. in Rangeland Ecology and Management – Texas A&M University

Executive Manager of Engineering
Executive Manager of Engineering Charles “Charlie” Hickman directs the design and construction of capital improvement projects, oversees water resource planning and provides operational assistance on technical procedures and issues related to existing Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority facilities and structures. Hickman also leads the monitoring of flow conditions throughout the Guadalupe River Basin, interpretation of hydrologic events and data and the development of independent engineering design analyses. He evaluates and expands the Authority’s strategic business alliances, oversees activities for new services and projects, and the acquisition of property and permits.
A licensed professional engineer, Hickman has more than 15 years experience in providing consulting engineering services related to water resources, public works and private development projects.
M.S. in Engineering Management – University of Texas at Austin
B.S. in Civil Engineering – University of Texas at San Antonio

Executive Manager of Environmental Science
Executive Manager of Environmental Science Nathan Pence leads the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority’s environmental stewardship initiatives while overseeing strategic planning and day-to-day operations for the Canyon Lake Gorge and Water Quality Lab. Pence leads the administration of the Clean Rivers Program for the Guadalupe River and Lavaca-Guadalupe Coastal basins, in partnership with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the ongoing development of a comprehensive Habitat Conservation Plan for the Guadalupe River basin. He is a board member for the National Habitat Conservation Plan Coalition, serves as Vice Chair of the Guadalupe Basin Coalition, is on the steering committee of the Greater Springs Project and is a member of the Texas Water Conservation Association Endangered Species Committee. Pence also represents GBRA as a member of the US Water Alliance One Water Council, the City of New Braunfels Natural Resource Committee and the NBU Headwaters Center Technical Advisory Committee.
Pence has more than 15 years’ experience in watershed management and planning, working collaboratively with local officials and stakeholders. Prior to GBRA, Pence served as the Threatened and Endangered Species Executive Director for the Edwards Aquifer Authority where he facilitated and managed the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan. He also worked for the City of New Braunfels collaborating with local tourism officials and environmentalists on economic development projects while protecting the integrity of natural resources.
M.S. in Aquatic Biology – Texas State University
B.S. in Aquatic Biology – Texas State University

Executive Manager of Finance/CFO
Executive Manager of Finance/CFO Randy Staats is responsible for the overall management of the finance department, leading all accounting and finance efforts including budget and financial plans, payroll, accounts payable & receivable, treasury & investments, risk management, purchasing, grant & construction accounting, capital assets, debt planning & administration, financial reserves, and administration of the defined benefit pension plan. He is also responsible for financial reporting and the preparation of the annual comprehensive financial report. Staats serves as an advisor to the Board of Directors and General Management team on financial matters.
A Certified Public Accountant and Certified Internal Auditor, Staats has more than 30 years’ experience in finance, accounting, and auditing. Prior to GBRA, Staats spent 20 years in school finance at Round Rock ISD and five years as an internal auditor in the banking industry. He is a member of the Texas Society of CPAs, Government Finance Officers Association, the Government Treasurers’ Organization of Texas, and has presented at various financial conferences across Texas.
M.Acy. in Accounting – Southwest Texas State University
B.B.A. in Finance – Texas A&I University