As scheduling allows, GBRA staff will come to classrooms or Nature Centers in the Guadalupe River basin to lead discussions and explorations.
For more information about classroom presentations, please contact:
Elizabeth Gutierrez
2225 E. Common Street, New Braunfels, Texas 78130
Phone: 830-379-5822 or 800-413-5822
E-mail: [email protected]
Online Resources
Journey Through the Guadalupe River Basin (grade 4)
An online interactive tool that accompanies the fourth grade Journey Through the Guadalupe River Basin program. It leads the user through the basin on a map, from the headwaters to the bay. Various videos, interactive modules and photos are used to teacher the user about the history and science of the basin.
Interactive Story Map
Click HereWhy Watersheds? (grade 6-12)
This Center for Water Resource Protection presentation serves as an introduction to the whys and hows of water resource protection. (1 hour)
Nonpoint Source Watershed Model (grades 4-6)
Discussions about watersheds and nonpoint source pollution are followed by a student-driven hands-on exploration of the interconnections between land uses and water quality. Envirsoscape model used. (45 min. – 1 hr, indoors or outside; limit 2 classes per presentation)
Guadalupe River Basin Model (grades 7-12)
This 7 ft. long model is painted to depict the 10 major watersheds and major rivers and creeks in the Guadalupe River Basin. Elevations from headwaters to the bay are accurately modeled. Discussions about watersheds, land uses and water quality lead to a hands-on exploration of flow, nonpoint source pollution and elevation. (30 – 45 minutes, indoors or outside; can be combined outside with other activities dependent on grade level; limit 2 classes per presentation)
Water Cycle (grade 2)
A lesson is presented on water properties, water chemistry and the water cycle. Students are then provided “costumes” and are led outside to role play water molecules to reinforce lesson. (1 hour; limit 3 classes per presentation)
Earth, the Water Planet (grade 3)
A lesson on Earth’s unique characteristics is followed by a hands-on actvity where students explore water distribution on the planet (salt water vs. fresh water) and availability of freshwater (groundwater vs. surface water). (45 minutes; limit 2 classes per presentation)
Water Monitoring (grades 4-6)
Using the Water Quality Monitoring booklet, students will be introduced to the methods and skills used to monitor surface water. Water from a nearby creek or river will be brough to the classroom, and the booklets and supplies are donated to schools in the river basin. Must commit to monitoring at least twice per school year. (1 hour per session)