Gonzales County Reappointed: 2020 Term Expiration: 2025 Steve Ehrig, of Gonzales, is owner and partner of Ehrig Brothers Ag, E Barr Feeds, and E Brothers Ranches. He is a member of the Gonzales County Young Farmers, a director with the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and past president of the Texas Young Farmers. He is…
Caldwell County Appointed: 2023 Term Expiration: 2029 John Cyrier of Lockhart is the owner of Someday Strategies, LLC. He is the former Texas state representative for Texas House District 17 and a former Caldwell County commissioner. He is chairman of the San Marcos Airport Advisory Board. Additionally, he is on the general staff for the…
Ryan Smith brings over 20 years of expertise as a Texas water and ecosystems expert. Directing The Nature Conservancy of Texas’ water and science programs, he applies his expertise in environmental flows and conservation science across Texas landscapes and initiatives. Ryan holds an M.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences from Virginia Tech.
Web Mangham, Environmental Services and Water Resources Planning Manager at the Trinity River Authority, holds an M.S. in Applied Geography from the University of North Texas. With 17 years of experience, he has dedicated his career to various facets of water resource management within the Trinity basin, notably including conservation planning for freshwater mussel species.
Cindy Loeffler, holding a B.S. in Engineering from Colorado State University, has over 30 years of experience in Texas water policy and planning, and habitat conservation planning. Her career at TPWD was dedicated to identifying freshwater inflow needs for Texas estuaries and managing water resources, culminating in significant roles on conservation plan committees until her…
Dan Opdyke serves as the Chair of the group, bringing over 20 years of experience in water quality and hydro-modeling. With a Ph.D. in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, he focuses on Texas water issues, develops state-of-the-science water quality models, and contributes to hydrologic and environmental flow standards.

DeWitt County Reappointed: 2020 Term Expiration: 2025 William Carbonara of Cuero is an account executive at JHC Insurance Agency and represents DeWitt County. Currently, he is on the Resource Development Committee for the Boys and Girls Club of DeWitt County and is vice president of the Cuero Little Dribblers Association. He previously served on the…
Refugio County Appointed: 2023 Term Expiration: 2029 Robert Blaschke of Woodsboro is a retiree from the DuPont Company and previously served as the Refugio County Judge. He is a board member of the Refugio County Community Development Foundation and is president of the Woodsboro Education Foundation. Blaschke attended Texas A&M University in Kingsville.
Kendall County Appointed: 2023 Term Expiration: 2027 Patrick Cohoon of Boerne is managing member of Leger, Ketchum and Cohoon, PLLC in Boerne. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas, Kendall County Bar Association, College of the State Bar of Texas, and a sustaining member of the Texas Bar Foundation. He is vice…

Victoria County Reappointed: 2021 Term Expiration: 2027 Dennis Patillo, of Victoria is president of Evangelynn Hospitality LLC. He is the former president of Stewart Title of the Coastal Bend Inc. He is the past chairman of the Victoria Economic Development Corporation, the Houston Association of Realtors and the Texas Association of Realtors. Mr. Patillo has…